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Gastronintestinal Biomarkers for Optimal Management

The project aims to develop and validate biomarkers for diagnosis and treatment evaluation of gastroenterological diseases, including functional, inflammatory and infectious conditions– including tests for malabsorption (e.g., 13C-isotope-based breath tests), gut inflammation (e.g., fecal calprotectin) and microbiota metabolism (e.g., fecal short-chain fatty acids). 

Since the opening of Unger-Vetlesen Institute in 2011, the project has resulted in 10 completed PhD theses, and more than 400 publications (see below for details). The project strive to inspire and motivate aspiring and established health care workers to perform research and accordingly enable the hospital to reap the benefits of the ripple effects that this creates. The titles of the completed PhD theses gives an overview of the topics that have been covered over the years. Ongoing and future studies include establishing a 13C-based sucrose breath test for clinical use, explore a panel of biomarkers for fibrosis to predict the disease course of Crohn`s disease, and explore the use of a novel wireless motility capsule as an actionable biomarker in neurogastroenterological disorders and diseases.  

Project owner

Lovisenberg Diaconal Hospital (Jørgen Valeur, MD, PhD, Loviseberg, Professor Institute of Clinical Medicine, UiO)

Project period

2011 - ongoing


Health Authority of South-Eastern Norway

The Extra Foundation

Takeda Pharmaceuticals



Project participants

Jørgen Valeur, Professor and Head of Department

Ana Urzua Riquelme, Administrative leader

Anita Tollisen, Research Nurse

Ane-Kristine Finbråten, Senior scientist (i permisjon)

Gunn Helen Malmstrøm, Leading Bioengineer

Lisa Landrø Sletten, Bioengineer

Viggo Skar, Senior scientist

Hanna Fjeldheim Dale, postdoc

Vibeke Strande, PhD candidate

Ida Frivold Glad, PhD candidate

Insaf Zerouga, PhD candidate

Mattis Bekkelund, PhD candidate

Maria Seferowicz, PhD candidate


Selected publications:

Undseth, Ragnhild Marie; Berstad, Arnold; Klow, Nils-Einar; Arnljot, Kristine; Moi, Kristin Skjeggestad; Valeur, Jørgen. Abnormal accumulation of intestinal fluid following ingestion of an unabsorbable carbohydrate in patients with irritable bowel syndrome: an MRI study. Neurogastroenterology and Motility 2014; Volum 26. (12) s. 1686-1693.

Larsson, Geir; Koticherry Thrivikrama, Shenoy; Ramasubramanian, Ramalingom; Lakshmikanthan, Thayumanavan; Leena Kondarappassery, Balakumaran; Bjune, Gunnar Aksel; Moum, Bjørn. Faecal calprotectin levels differentiate intestinal from pulmonary tuberculosis: An observational study from Southern India. United European Gastroenterology Journal (UEG Journal) 2014.

Undseth, Ragnhild Marie; Jakobsdottir, Greta; Nyman, Margareta; Berstad, Arnold; Valeur, Jørgen. Low serum levels of short-chain fatty acids after lactulose ingestion may indicate impaired colonic fermentation in patients with irritable bowel syndrome. Clinical and Experimental Gastroenterology 2015; Volum 8. s. 303-308.

Kristensen, Vendel Ailin; Klepp, Pasquale Catherine; Småstuen, Milada Cvancarova; Røseth, Arne; Skar, Viggo Øystein; Moum, Bjørn. Prediction of endoscopic disease activity in ulcerative colitis by two different assays for faecal calprotectin. Journal of Crohn's and Colitis 2015 ;Volum 9.(2) s. 164-169.

Valeur, Jørgen; Røseth, Arne; Knudsen, Torunn; Malmstrøm, Gunn Helen; Fiennes, Jennifer Twisleton; Midtvedt, Tore; Berstad, Arnold. Fecal Fermentation in Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Influence of Dietary Restriction of Fermentable Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides and Polyols. Digestion 2016; Volum 94. (1) s. 50-56.

Valeur, Jørgen; Småstuen, Milada C; Knudsen, Torunn; Lied, Gülen Arslan; Røseth, Arne. Exploring gut microbiota composition as an indicator of clinical response to dietary FODMAP restriction in patients with irritable bowel syndrome. Digestive Diseases and Sciences 2018; 63 (2): 429-36.

Bjørkhaug, Steinar Traae; Aanes, Håvard; Neupane, Sudan Prasad; Bramness, Jørgen Gustav; Malvik, Stine; Henriksen, Christine; Skar, Viggo Øystein; Medhus, Asle Wilhelm; Valeur, Jørgen. Characterization of gut microbiota composition and functions in patients with chronic alcohol overconsumption. Gut microbes 2019, Volum 10 (6): s. 663-675.

Kisiel, John; Klepp, Pasquale Catherine; Allawi, Hatim T.; William, Taylor; Giakoumopoulos, Maria; Sander, Tamara; Yab, Tracy C.; Moum, Bjørn; Lidgard, Graham; Brackmann, Stephan; Mahoney, Douglas; Røseth, Arne; Ahlquist, David. Analysis of DNA Methylation at Specific Loci in Stool Samples Detects Colorectal Cancer and High-Grade Dysplasia in Patients With Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology 2019; Volum 17.(5) s. 914-921.

Soares, Jelena Zugic; Valeur, Jørgen; Saltyte Benth, Jurate; Knapskog, Anne Brita; Selbæk, Geir; Arefi, Golchin; Gilfillan, Gregor; Tollisen, Anita; Bogdanovic, Nenad; Pettersen, Renate Regine. Vitamin D in Alzheimer's Disease: Low Levels in Cerebrospinal Fluid Despite Normal Amounts in Serum. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease 2022 ;Volum 86.(3) s. 1301-1314.

Midgard, Håvard; Malme, Kristian Braathen; Pihl, Charlotte Meinich; Berg-Pedersen, Riikka Mari; Tanum, Lars Håkon Reiestad; Klundby, Ingvild; Haug, Anne; Tveter, Ida Giæver; Bjørnestad, Ronny; Olsen, Inge Christoffer; Finbråten, Ane-Kristine; Dalgard, Olav. Opportunistic Treatment of Hepatitis C Infection Among Hospitalized People Who Inject Drugs (OPPORTUNI-C): A Stepped Wedge Cluster Randomized Trial. Clinical Infectious Diseases 2023.


List of completed PhD dissertations:

  • Kari Tveito. 13C-labelled breath tests in malabsorption. Studies of patients with coeliac disease. University of Oslo, 2011.
  • Håvar Blich Hope. Malabsorption in chronic alcoholism. University of Oslo, 2013.
  • Trygve Sørdahl Hall. Novel aspects of cardiovascular biomarkers in mycocardial infarction and obstructive sleep apnea. University of Oslo, 2015.
  • Geir Larsson. Intestinal tuberculosis: diagnosis and differentiation from Crohn`s disease in a resource-limited setting. University of Oslo, 2015.
  • Vendel Kristensen. Use of calprotectin in the routine management of inflammatory bowel disease. Evaluation and quality assurance of established and novel test methods. University of Oslo, 2016.
  • Ragnhild Undseth. Irritable bowel syndrome. Clinical, pathophysiological and radiological aspects. University of Oslo, 2017.
  • Anita Tollisen. Patient-reported outcomes and medication satisfaction in adults with juvenile idiopathic artritis. University of Oslo, 2020.
  • Steinar Traae Bjørkhaug. Alcohol-related alterations of the gut microbial flora. University of Oslo, 2020.
  • Pasquale Klepp. Colorectal cancer in ulcerative colitis. A prospective study of clinical and biological markers in population based cohorts. University of Oslo, 2021.
  • Jelena Zugic Soares. Vitamin D in cognitive impairment and Alzheimer`s disease. University of Oslo, 2023

Publications in CRISTin










Sist oppdatert 02.07.2024