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Health literacy and quality of life care and health economics in people with chronic diseases, caregivers and health care professionals

The aim of the project overall aim is to conduct clinical research in the field of chronic diseases, for their caregivers and for healthcare professionals.

The project focuses on health literacy, self-management, symptoms, quality of life and health economics. The project aims to conduct research that makes a difference to the hospital’s patients. The results may be transferable to other healthcare institutions and to society by developing innovative healthcare interventions that ensure quality of care and incorporate new treatments. At the moment HealQualityCare houses six larger projects: 

1) Breathing control and quality of life in COPD

2) Health literacy. A key to health in COPD

3) Optimizing health literacy in cancer patients

4) Work-related factors and health literacy promotion by health care professionals

5) Health literacy in caregivers of people with chronic diseases

6) Palliative Day Care Services for home-based patients with advanced cancer

Latest publications

C.R. Borge et al. Impacts of a health literacy-informed intervention in people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) on hospitalization, health literacy, self-management, quality of life, and health costs – A randomized controlled trial. Patient Education and Counseling. Vol. 123, June 2024 (Free access untill April 26th 2024)

C.R. Borge et al. How to co-design a health literacy-informed intervention based on a needs assessment study in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. BMJ Open. 2022 Oct 27;12(10):e063022.

Wahl AK, Osborne RH, Larsen MH, Andersen MH, Holter IA, Borge CR (2021)
Exploring health literacy needs in Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD): Associations between demographic, clinical variables, psychological well-being and health literacy.Heart Lung, 50 (3), 417-424 DOI 10.1016/j.hrtlng.2021.02.007

Borge CRLarsen MHOsborne RHEngebretsen EAndersen MHHolter IALeine MWahl AK (2021) Exploring patients' and health professionals' perspectives on health literacy needs in the context of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Chronic Illn18 (3)549-561



Project owner

Lovisenberg Diaconal Hospital

Christine Råheim Borge,RN, PhD, Senior Researcher at Lovisenberg and Associated Professor at University of Oslo and Lovisenberg Diaconal University College)

Project period

2010 - ongoing


Foundation DAM

Norwegian Nurses Association

Regional Health Authority of South Eastern Norway

Sist oppdatert 17.04.2024