Forskning ved TAKO-senteret

TAKO-senteret skal ha høy kompetanse i arbeidet vi tilbyr gjennom kunnskapsformidling, diagnostikk og behandlingsplaner.

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Det mangler mye kunnskap om munnhule og ansikt hos personer med en sjelden diagnose, fordi det kan være utfordrende å gjennomføre gode forskningsprosjekter på små grupper med sjeldne diagnoser. TAKO-senteret ønsker å prioritere forskning, fordi vi hele tiden trenger ny kunnskap om manifestasjoner i munnhule og ansikt for å gi gode behandlingsplaner til våre pasientgrupper. Økt kunnskap gjør det også enklere for personer med en sjelden diagnose å få dekket utgifter til behandling i munnhulen via trygden.


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Vitenskapelige artikler og andre publikasjoner

Under finner du vitenskapelige artikler og andre publikasjoner hvor ansatte ved TAKO-senteret er ansvarlige eller har bidratt. Ofte krever tidsskriftene tilgang for å lese artikkelen. Artiklene med PMID nummer kan søkes opp i PubMed ved å legge inn nummeret i søkefeltet. For hver artikkel er det oppgitt om det er abstract eller fulltekst som er tilgjengelig.

Ta kontakt med TAKO-senteret hvis du ønsker en artikkel i fulltekst der bare abstract er tilgjengelig.


Rønneberg A, Nordgarden H, Skaare AB, Willumsen T.
Barriers and factors influencing communication between dental professionals and Child Weifare Services in their everyday work. Int J Paediatr Dent 2019;00:1-8.
PMID: 31077635 Fulltekst tilgjengelig i PubMed

Myint M, Støvne SA, Sæves R, Bjørnland T, Jensen JL.
Dental implants in individuals with osteogenesis imperfecta: a 6-year follow-up study. Review
Oral Surgery 2019, Abstract

Saltnes S, Geirdal AØ, Saeves R, Jensen JL, Nordgarden H.
Experiences of daily life and oral rehabilitation in oligodontia – a qualitative study. Acta Odontol Scand 2019;77(3):197-204.
PMID: 30646789 Abstract


Saeves R, Strøm F, Sandvik L, Nordgarden H.
Gastro-oesophageal reflux-an important causative factor of severe tooth wear in Prader-Willi syndrome? Orphanet J Rare Diseas 2018;13:64.
PMID: 29685165 Fulltekst tilgjengelig i PubMed


Saltnes S, Jensen JL, Sæves R, Nordgarden H, Geirdal AØ.
Associations between ectodermal dysplasia, psychological distress and quality of life in a group of adults with oligodontia. Acta Odontol Scand 2017;75(8):564-572.
PMID: 28754083 Abstract


Saeves R, Klinge RF, Risnes S.
Microscopic structure of dental hard tissues in primary and permanent teeth from individuals with Prader-Willi syndrome. Arch Oral Biol 2016;66:55-60.
PMID: 26913968 Fulltekst tilgjengelig i PubMed

Jensen JL, Axelsson S, Storhaug K.
Report of a new educational programme to introduce dental students to special care dentistry. Clin Case Rep Rev 2016;2(3):361-365.

Andersson EM, Axelsson S, Katsaris KP.
Malocclusion and the need for orthodontic treatment in 8-year-old children with Down syndrome: a cross-sectional population-based study. Spec Care Dent 2016;36(4):194-200.
PMID: 26763382 Abstract


Bågesund M, Shafiee Z, Drivdal L, Berden J, Storhaug K.
Dental care and oral health in Aagenaes syndrome/lymphedema cholestasis syndrome 1. Spec Care Dent 2015;35(2):83-89.
PMID: 25039919 Abstract

Geirdal AØ, Saltnes SS, Storhaug K, Åsten P, Nordgarden H, Jensen JL.
Living with orofacial conditions: psychological distress and quality of life in adults affected with Treacher Collins syndrome, cherubism, or oligodontia/ectodermal dysplasia—a comparative study. Qual Life Res 2015;24(4):927-935.
PMID: 25344415 Fulltekst tilgjengelig i PubMed

Saltnes S, Storhaug K, Borge CR, Enmaker I, Willumsen T.
Oral health-related quality-of-life and mental health in individuals with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Acta Odontol Scand 2015;73(1):14-20.
PMID: 25373517 Abstract


von der Lippe C, Roscher I, Nordgarden H, Rustad C, Larsen SM, Mjøen E, Bratland Å.
Man with macrocephaly, learning disability and multiple basal cell carcinomas. Tidskr Nor Laegeforen 2014;17.
PMID: 24939783 Fulltekst tilgjengelig i PubMed

Åsten P, Akre H, Persson C.
Associations between speech features and phenotypic severity in Treacher Collins syndrome. BMC Med Genet 2014;15:47.
PMID: 24775909 Fulltekst tilgjengelig i PubMed

Bergendal B, Bakke M, McAllister A, Sjøgreen L, Åsten P.
Profiles of orofacial dysfunction in different diagnostic groups using the Nordic Orofacial Test (NOT-S) – review. Acta Odontol Scand 2014;72(8):578-584.
PMID: 25155559 Abstract

Austeng ME, Overland B, Kvaerner KJ, Andersson EM, Axelsson S, Abdelnoor M, Akre H.
Obstructive sleep apnea in younger school children with Down syndrome. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol 2014;78(7):1026-1029.
PMID: 24809771 Abstract

Andersson EM, Axelsson S, Austeng M, Øverland B, Valen I, Jensen TA,  Akre H.
Bilateral hypodontia is more common than unilateral hypodontia in children  with Down Syndrome: a prospective population-based study. Eur J Orthod 2014;36(4):414-418.
PMID: 24014738 Abstract


Åsten P, Skogedal N, Nordgarden H, Axelsson S, Akre H, Sjögreen L.
Orofacial functions and oral health associated with Treacher Collins syndrome. Acta Odontol Scand 2013;71(3-4):616-625.
PMID: 22783882 Abstract

Geirdal AØ, Øverland B, Heimdal K, Storhaug K, Åsten P, Akre H.
Association between obstructive sleep apnea and health-related quality of life in individuals affected with Treacher Collins syndrome. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 2013;270:2879-2884.
PMID: 23455582 Abstract

Andersson EM, Axelsson S, Gjølstad LF, Storhaug K.
Taurodontism: A minor diagnostic criterion in Laurence-Moon/Bardet-Biedl syndromes. Acta Odontol Scand 2013;71(6):1671-1674.
PMID: 23638763 Abstract


Nordgarden H, Østerhus I, Møystad A, Åsten P, Johnsen UL, Storhaug K, Loven JØ.
Drooling: are botulinum toxin injections into the major salivary glands a good treatment option? J Child Neurol 2012;24(4):458-464.
PMID: 21940695 Abstract

Nordgarden H, Lima K, Skogedal N, Følling I, Storhaug K, Abrahamsen TG.
Dental developmental disturbances in 50 individuals with 22q11.2 deletion syndrome; relation to medical conditions? Acta Odontol Scand 2012;70(3):194-201.
PMID: 22070626 Abstract

Jensen JL, Storhaug K.
Dental implants in patients with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome: A case series study. Int J Prosthodont 2012;25(1):60-62.
PMID: 22259798 Abstract

Wang CH, Dowling JJ, North K, Schroth M, Sejersen T, Shapiro F, Bellini J, Weiss H, Guilett M, Amburgey K, Apkon S, Bertini E, Bonnemann C, Clarke N, Connoly A, Estournet-Mathiaud B, Fitzgerald D, Florence JM, Gee R, Gurgel-Giannetti J, Glanzman AM, Hofmeister B, Jungbluth H, Koumbourlis AC, Laing NG, Main M, Morrison LA, Munns C, Rose K, Schuler PM, Sewry C, Storhaug K, Vainzof M, Yuan N.
Consensus statement on standard of care for congenital myopathies. J Child Neurol 2012;27(3)363-382.
PMID: 22431881 Fulltekst tilgjengelig i PubMed 

Redfors M, Jensen JL, Storhaug K, Prescott T, Larheim TA.
Cherubism: panoramic and CT features in adults. Dentomaxillofac Radiol 2013;42:10.
PMID: 24048692 Fulltekst tilgjengelig i PubMed

Prescott T, Redfors M, Rustad C, Eiklid KL, Geirdal AØ, Storhaug K, Jensen JL.
Characterization of a Norwegian cherubism cohort; molecular genetic findings, oral manifestations and quality of life. Eur J Med Genet 2013;56(3):131-137.
PMID: 23298620 Abstract

Akre H, Øverland B, Åsten P, Skogedal N, Heimdal K.
Obstructive sleep apnea in Treacher Collins syndrome. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 2012;269:331-337.
PMID: 21626120 Fulltekst tilgjengelig i PubMed

Østerhus IN, Skogedal N, Akre H, Johnsen UL, Nordgarden H, Åsten P.
Salivary gland pathology as a new finding in Treacher Collins syndrome. Am J Med Genet A 2012;6:1320-1325.
PMID: 22585367 Abstract

Magelssen M, Godal E, Os E, Smith A, Solås HR, Åsten P, Hem MH.
Prøvetaking av døende pasienter – et ekstra dilemma. Bioingeniøren 2012;47(5):12-16.

Magelssen M, Åsten P, Godal E, Os E, Smith A, Solås HR, Hem MH.
Blood sampling from dying patients: an ethical dilemma. Clinical Ethics 2012;7(3)107-110.

Saeves R, Nordgarden H, Storhaug K, Sandvik L, Espelid I.
Salivary flow rate and oral findings in Prader-Willi syndrome: a case-control study. Int J Paediatr Dent 2012;22(1):27-36.
PMID: 21702855 Abstract

Saeves R, Espelid I, Storhaug K, Sandvik L, Nordgarden H.
Severe tooth wear in Prader-Willi syndrome. A case-control study. BMC Oral health. 2012;12(1):12.
PMID: 22639910 Fulltekst tilgjengelig i PubMed

Saeves R, Reseland JE, Kvam BM, Sandvik L, Nordgarden H.
Saliva in Prader-Willi syndrome: Quantitative and qualitative characteristics. Arch Oral Biol 2012;57:1335-1341.
PMID: 22673752 Abstract


Jensen JL, Brox HT, Storhaug K, Ambjørnsen E, Støvne SA, Bjørnland T.
Dental implants in patients with osteogenesis imperfecta: a retrospective and prospective study with review of the literature. Oral Surg 2011;4:105–114.

Saeves R, Åsten P, Storhaug K, Bågesund M.
Orofacial dysfunction in individuals with Prader-Willi syndrome assessed with NOT-S. Acta Odontol Scand 2011;69:310-315.
PMID: 21426270 Abstract​

Last updated 11/7/2022